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Monday, May 13, 2019

Naming Reid Avenue


Mon, May 6, 7:36 PM (7 days ago)

to Buddy

Re­nam­ing roads: Why for­get Reid, Lionel Wendt and the YMCA?

  • Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)
  • 5 Aug. 2012
  • Ti­lak Fer­nando

Many let­ters in the news­pa­pers have fo­cused on the re-nam­ing of roads. This was prompted when Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha was re­named Nelum Pokuna Mawatha.

In my view, there is no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for re-nam­ing some of the roads in the city.

Did we have to change Reid Av­enue to Philip Gu­nawar­dene Mawatha? True, the late Mr. Gu­nawar­dene was one of the able lieu­tenants of the late S.W.R.D. Ban­daranaike, and sup­ported his so­cial and po­lit­i­cal rev­o­lu­tion of 1956. He also made sac­ri­fices to help us gain In­de­pen­dence. His mem­ory should be hon­oured. No one will dis­pute this.

But why re­move the name of Ma­jor H. L. Reid, who was Prin­ci­pal of Royal Col­lege, when the school moved to its present site in Colombo 7 on Oc­to­ber 10, 1923?

Ma­jor Reid was also in­stru­men­tal in ini­ti­at­ing the first Royal-Trin­ity Rugby Match, and he com­posed the school song for Royal Col­lege. How can such a man be for­got­ten? It is sur­pris­ing that nei­ther the Royal Col­lege Old Boys’ Union nor the school prin­ci­pal (who may be ex­cused as he is not an old boy of Royal) made any plea to let the name Reid Av­enue re­main.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Philip
    I agree with Buddy. The road names as they exist are a part of our heritage and history. Changing them merely shows what short memories we have and what little respect we give to those who have done so much for our country, but much time has passed. Are we going to change the names again as time erases the memory of Philip Gunawardene? Quite right to say new names should be for new roads!!
