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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Appreciation, Dr.N.Sivarajah, by Dr. R Ganeshamoorthy,

 Aum Sri Sai Ram

An Appreciation of Late Dr.N.Sivarajah


My Humble Salutations to the Cosmic Power!!!

Jaffna Medical Association has given me this noble and humble task of expressing

an appreciation and respect to Late Dr.N.Sivarajah.

Friends I shall squeeze this tribute into the time allocated.

He was born in Negombo almost 80 years back, grew in Diwulupitya, had the

primary and secondary education at St Mary,s college, Negombo, Pre University

Education at Ananda College, Colombo and for a short time at Jaffna Hindu

College. Graduated as a doctor from the University of Ceylon, obtained post-

graduate degrees from the Tropical medicine & Health Institute, London and from

the Post Graduate Institute Colombo.( MD & DPH)

Held various posts in the Department of Health such as DMO, MOH,Port Health

officer, traversed the length and breadth of Sri Lanka serving in Amparai,

Mawathugama, Kegalle, Vavuniya, Manipay, Kyts,Anuradhapura and Colombo.

In the University Of Jaffna,he served as Senior Lecturer and Head of Department

of Community Medicine from 1988 to 2003. After this he became the Coordinator

In Jaffna for the WHO from 2003 to 2013.

In the JMA, he was a Life Member, Vice President from 1982 till 1985., President

of this Noble Association in 1986/87 and was the Editor of Jaffna Medical Journal

from 1988 till2003. His articles and abstracts in the JMJ from 1986 till 2010

focused on Parasitic Infestation and Nutrition of Children, Heroin Addiction(drug

was introduced into Jaffna in 1983), & Pattern of Cancer Disease in Jaffna District.

He had written an appreciation of Dr.V.Krishnarajah , Past President of JMA,

Editor of JMJ and Consultant Surgeon at Jaffna Teaching Hospital In JMJ 1994.

He vehemently pointed out the aberration in the Infant and Maternal Mortality

Rates published during the Civil War period. He found out that only 50 % of the

deaths were registered during that period.

Other than the JMA, he had headed several other Organizations such as Jaffna

Science Association(2001 to 2002) , Association for Health Education and

Development(AHEAD) & association for the rehabilitation of the Disabled(AROD)

Other than Medical Students, he had lectured to Students of Allied health &n

Science Department, Students of Nurses training College and Schools.

He had edited a magazine “Suha Manjari” to the Para Medics.

He always talked how he played a role in One Day Stoppage of War to distribute

vaccines throughout the island. He also talked about how the communicable

diseases were controlled or prevented in the refugee camps.

During his close association with the terminally ill cancer patients, he observed

the common regrets expressed by these patients during their last days. These

regrets as expressed by the patients are :

1.I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself and not the life others

Expected of me.

2. I wish I’d had not worked so hard , neglecting the family

3. I wish, I’d had the courage to express my feelings

4. I wish that I had stayed in touch with my friends

He had passed on these observations by E mail to our mutual friend Dr.Philip

Veerasingam in April 2014.

He was a man of resolute and strong will. He became a victim of violence on

24.08.2009 in his Department office. The perpetrator of the violence left the

Faculty without finishing the course. This did not deter him from doing his work

with enthusiasm.

Friends! We paid our last respect to his body in this hall last Sunday 11.03.2019.

The body is no more. But we can pay respect to his work and ideas eternally.

After associating with him for many years, I came to know his motto which is

“Prevention is better than cure”

Later on he changed it into:

“Prevention benefits far more patients than clinical medicine.

Prevention is more certain than cure”

We humbly bow down to his ideals and exemplary life.

May the Cosmic Power bestow Peace in All.

Thank you


15 th March 2019

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