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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Obituary, Carlisle Perera.


From: Barclay Reid <>

Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 8:36 AM
Subject: Carlyle Perera


1. It is with profound sorrow that I inform you that Carlyle Perea passed away early this morning sudden but painlessly.

He had been ailing for some time with kidney failure and diabetes and a slowly healing wound of the leg.


2. Hello all,

Here are some email addresses

Travis Perera -

Megan -



1 comment:

  1. Thanks Buddy for sharing the very sad news of the death of yet another wonderful Batchmate of ours - Carlilse.

    He has been a very sincere, friendly and a Batchmate of integrity.

    Those of you who are domiciled in Australia knew him intimately but many of us globally had great respect for him.

    He and his wife attended quite a few batch reunions held in Sri Lanka over the years.
    He mingled with almost everyone during these reunions and was able to narrate lots of gossip and ‘yarns’ with such clarity & brevity.

    It is indeed very sad to lose yet another outstanding Batchmate.

    We can only rejoice his outstanding qualities.

    He would be very sadly missed by his surviving family, his relatives & friends.

    We can offer our deep condolences to his surviving family, his lovely brother -Travis.

    May he rest in Peace.



