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Friday, August 16, 2019

Austin - ‘Senioris Prioris’

            Dr. Austin was a big built surgeon, who reminded us of Sir Lanceolot Spratt, of Carry on Doctor Series fame. He literally terrified us, by his big voice and blustery manner. The students would be there for the appointment early, as he was a stickler for discipline. During the ward rounds, the surgeon and ward sister would lead the way, followed by the SHO, Intern and then the students would follow in order of protocol. If this order was broken there would be immediate censure.

            One day he was waiting for the lift with his retinue. When the cabin of the lift arrived, one of the impetuous students stepped hurriedly, to get into the lift. Dr.Austin put his hand out and grabbed the student by the collar, from behind. He then told him “Senioris Prioris”, and let him wait outside the lift, for the next trip of the cabin.

            He once threw one of our batches out for some misdemeanor. One of our unnamed batchmates, promised, to his disbelieving colleagues, that he would get matters rectified, by approaching Dr.Austin’s wife, through a third party. It was done and a relieved batch, restarted the appointment the following day.

                        I also have heard of an incident where a patient was being prepared for a spinal anaesthesia in the OT, for an appendicectomy. Seeing all the instruments, the patient got down from the table and wanted to run away from there. The Surgeon caught him by his neck and pushed him down on the table, saying ‘Lie down you coward’, when the mask was applied by the anaesthetist. The patient went into sweet oblivion inhaling the Chloroform and was operated on for an appendicitis. An inflamed appendix about to perforate, was removed. The patient was ever grateful to the surgeon. A perforated appendix was a literal death warrant those days.

Dr. Austin had a 4 wheel drive Austin Gypsy and a trailer caravan. He used to go to Yala and Wilpatthu, our wildlife sanctuaries of those days. I heard that he was very simple and good fun during those trips.

            He died subsequently of renal failure.

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