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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Three memorable oldies and a belated advice


Try to remember

Al di la
What advice does Cameron have for other parents? 

Society today sees us valuing the pursuit of finances and material possessions over time with our children, family or friends. 

We work away the best years of our life, miss our children growing up, all so we can have financial freedom when we retire. 

The problem is, by the time many of us retire we can't physically do the things we always wanted to do, our kids have moved away and pursued their own life and the nice house and car seems totally pointless because we missed out on seeing our children grow up.
Life is more important than amassing material possessions and financial freedom, not many people spend time on their deathbed wishing they worked harder and made more money. Rather they often regret the things they did not do, or the time they didn't spend with loved ones.
Making the decision to travel means making sacrifices. It's not always easy and it's not all sunshine and lollipops. Like anything, it has its ups and downs. I might miss my nice car and my nice 'stuff' but what I am not missing is spending the best years of my life, raising my son. 
If you want to do it, you need to let go of the concept that money is going to buy happiness and instead embrace the simple things in life like your family, friends, nature, and the gift that is every day.
A lot of people say 'Oh you are so lucky, I wish I could do that'. Guess what? None of it was luck or wishing. Instead it was lots of hard work and sacrifice. The problem is most people are not willing to step out of their comfort zone and give it a try.

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