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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Obituary - V Purushothama Das

Another batch mate departs- V.P.Das



Mon, Sep 30, 5:13 PM (11 hours ago)

to me, Wedisingha, Ragupathy
Hi Philip
Ragu sends me the sad news of the death of V.P.Das and his funeral services are planned in Brisbane.
I do not have any further details and it’s likely some of our batch mates domiciled in Australia may know more up to date details.

It is also possible that you have already received this sad news too.

It would be helpful if you could kindly share this sad news with our batch mates.
I have not had any updates about Das nor have I met him since our student days.
May he rest in peace.


  1. I have not met V P Das since leaving Medical School, and was unaware that he was living in Brisbane.
    I am saddened at his passing and pray that he will attain Eternal Peace and Rest.

  2. He lit up the day. He was such a jolly fellow, always with a laugh.
    Buddy Reid
