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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dr.Joseph and the leopard skin

Dr.P.A.P.Joseph was a consultant surgeon at the General Hospital Kandy in the 1970's. I trained as surgical registrar under him. He was well read and good in his English. He always had quotations from English literature on various topics.
            One day he invited me for dinner at his house in Kandy. I went to his house for dinner. There were a lot of items in the living room as show pieces. I was attracted by a leopard skin which was mounted very well, hanging on the wall. I asked him how he got it.
            He said that he was DMO at Moneragala in the early years of his medical career. A child was brought to him with severe burns. He had used on him the latest treatment available at that time - "M&B powder". May and Baker had produced the first antimicrobials called "Sulpha's" at that time. This was available in powder form to apply to wounds. Dr. Joseph had used this on the patient. The child had recovered.
            The father of the child had subsequently come to see Dr.Joseph. He had told him "Sir, you have done your best and saved my child. I will repay you with a gift that you will treasure" and had taken his leave.
            A few weeks later he had brought a biggish parcel. He said that he was a good hunter. He had tracked a leopard and shot him. He said the shot was fired so that the mark would not show on the mounted skin. He opened the parcel and displayed the specimen. Dr.Joseph got the specimen mounted and that was the one on display in his sitting room.
            By our present day medical standards, 'Sulpha-powder' is not recommended for application on wounds, because of causing hypersensitivity and promoting emergence of resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria. Neither is shooting of leopards, which is an endangered, protected species in present day Sri-Lanka. But this was the era, when white hunters used to shoot male elephants, to obtain the skin of the penis, as a prized trophy. This tube of skin was closed at one end and used as a bag, to carry golf balls, during a game of golf. This proclaimed to all and sundry that the owner was a golfer AND a big game hunter.

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