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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dadella cemetery

It was one of those days when the representatives of the executive body of a trade union of the health workers, met in Colombo. The discussions dragged on into the late hours of the night, over copious mugs of beer. At last it came to an end, with everyone feeling very sleepy. The representative from Galle had to be back in his hospital early in the morning for duty. A taxi was summoned and he was put in it, in an inebriated state. He told the driver "Galle bus stand", meaning the bus stand in Pettah, Colombo. He was fast asleep in moments. He got up a long time later and when he looked out of the window, he realized with amazement that he was still in the taxi, reaching the outskirts of Galle. The sea was on one side and the coconut tree studded shrub jungle was on the other side. Realization came to him that the taxi driver, had misunderstood his instructions. Instead of taking him to the Galle bus stand in Pettah, 3 miles away, he was being driven to the bus stand in Galle itself, which was 200 miles away. What was more amazing was the fact that he had slept through it all and was reaching the end of his journey. He had only Rs.10/= in his pocket. The taxi fare from Colombo to Galle would reach above Rs300/=. He thought fast. He knew that there was a cemetery by the side of the road at a place called Dadella, just outside Galle. It was the 'witching hour' of 3am. He told the driver that he wanted to pass urine and to stop the vehicle. The taxi came to a stop, just past the entrance to the cemetery. Our friend got out of the car and entered through the open cemetery gate, walked far inside and hid behind a fairly large tomb-stone. He bided his time. After sometime, the driver got restless and sounded the horn. On there being no response, the driver got out of the car and came looking for his passenger. He entered the gate briskly and was confronted by rows of tomb-stones. He ran back into the car, started the engine after firmly locking the door, did a 'three-point-turn' and was seen making a fast get-away, towards Colombo. You can imagine the tales he would have told, about his encounter with a 'ghost', who got a ride from Colombo Hospital in his taxi and disappeared into the Dadella cemetery in Galle. The respected trade union representative took his walk back to the Galle hospital through back roads and arrived to report for duty at 8am.

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