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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Janszy joke

                Jansz as I have already said, took our lectures in Reproductive Physiology. One day he related the following anecdote.
                Some ‘Aliens’ had paid a visit to the earth. They landed in a very ‘civilized’ part of the planet – Windsor, in the UK. They did a study of various technologies that the earthlings had mastered, with the guidance of the local inhabitants who were only too glad to show them round. Then they did a cultural study of the customs of the area and the genteel approach to living. Finally the earthlings were asked how they managed the procreation of the species. The locals who thought that this was off color, requested the aliens to show them how, the aliens did this. The aliens took them to a machine, pressed a few buttons, and out popped a tiny alien, within minutes. Now the locals had to fulfil their promise. They took them to the marital bed of a couple and discretely showed them the entire sex act, starting with the small talk, which took a rather long time and ending in a frenzy. At the end of the performance, the aliens said, ‘This is an amazing performance. Where is the new earthling?’ The locals laughed out loud and said ‘You know, you have to wait nine months, by earth time, to see a young earthling’.
                The aliens were flabbergasted and said ‘If you have to wait nine months for the result, why was there an indecent haste, in the last part of the act?’

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