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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Rudolf the red-nosed Reindeer, Medical College days, early 1960s

Rudolf the red nosed reindeer

The walks to Galle-Face green to watch the sunset - We had a fairly regular routine during our 3rd MB days. We would go for the morning clinicals. I was staying at Albert Crescent near the MPs residence. The morning was a walk across Victoria park to the GH. After the ward work was over it was to the canteen we went for tea. This was followed by lectures. Then there was lunch in the canteen or at various places where the food was delicious. This was followed by a short nap in the common room. Lectures started again at 2pm. Then there was evening tea at the canteen and we went home. Now was the time for exercise. A walk to Galle Face to see the sunset was a very frequent activity. There was also swimming at the St.Joseph's pool. Once for a bet about five of us cycled wearing only swimming trunks, starting at the St Joseph's pool to our residence at Albert Crescent skirting the Lipton Circus during the evening rush hour.  I also was drawn into rowing on the Beira by a few of my friends. It was a pleasure in being a coxswain and watch the sunset over the lake. Then it was back to our residence. A bath and dinner followed. We did our allotted two hours study after this and then 'hit the sac'. If there was a good show in town, we would have an early dinner and go for a 9oclock 'late show' coming home around 11.30pm. Looking back it was idyllic. The food we enjoyed was mouthwatering. Once a month we would go for a beer and dinner to a 'Chinese cafe'. Baked crabs one of our favorites cost Rs.10/. Fried rice was Rs2.50. Some of my enterprising friends went for 'ball room' dancing classes where they had a good chance of meeting some burgher girls. We never missed a carnival in any schools in Colombo, where there was a good chance of meeting youngsters of the opposite sex.
Before exam, more time was spent in the library and regular study hours were kept. I never kept up later than 11pm for my studies, but techniques varied with each student. Caramedarie among students was wonderful and there was also something to laugh about, all the time. Looking back exams were not as intimidating as we thought. Oh, for those days.

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